When you travel with Isibindi Africa Lodges you become part of the family that has as it's purpose saving our planet for our children's children. This purpose drives us all at Isibindi Africa Lodges whether it's removing single-use plastics, creating micro-economies in our neighbouring communities to supply our lodges, replacing plastic water bottles with reusable ones for guests, investing in huge solar energy farms, refusing to serve seafood at our beach lodge that is not ethically harvested, recycling unused lodge food into feeding schemes for our neighbouring creches etc.
Travel is powerful when it connects us to a purpose and a community.

The founders of Isibindi Africa Lodges, Brett and Paige Gehren, both come from a strong conservation background. This has and always will be our authenticity. Twenty five years ago we began with pioneering community conservation establishing one of South Africa's first lodges in a protected wilderness sanctuary with the local community as joint shareholders. Today we own a number of lodges scattered around Africa in world-renowned protected wilderness areas and we partner with many neighbouring communities. Our purpose is to create a human fence between our wilderness areas and neighbouring communities so that the flow of benefits to these communities motivates them to protect these resources. Neighbouring communities need to share in these flow of benefits. Without this they have not only lost their ancestral lands but also access to its resources.
When travelling with Isibindi you will be supporting a host of community projects that rely on the lodges you will be visiting, to flourish and improve people's lives.
Our conservation programmes range from supporting conservation of the endangered turtles on Mabibi beach (tagging, guide training, monitoring) to our children's environmental programmes in rhino education in rural neighbouring communities and financially and logistically assisting the anti-poaching units.
For greater detail on the projects we support and the work we have done please click on the button below!

Our Thonga Beach Lodge team are committed in every way to ensuring that our guests create happy memories to take back home, leaving only their footprints behind in our pristine world heritage site. We're passionate about people, and we're passionate about this piece of paradise we get to share with you.
"All the staff members, from management, to all the hospitality personnel, waiters, cleaning ladies, were always extremely friendly, helpful, accommodating, well informed." - Guest review